Saturday 19 July 2014

Moving with the times...

   Well it's been awhile friends! I am posting this from...wait for it..... my "new to me" cellphone ! I can hear my dear old friends falling off thier chairs in incredulus laughter "she has entered the present century!" But i assure you i still would be "lost in space" if it wasn't for my son needing to upgrade! I 've only had it 6 days so i àm still struggling....took me 45 min the other day to try to enter a contact # only to give up and wait for my son to help me!
Our computer died some months ago so i am posting from my cell...without autp correct so this taking forever!
I will keep it brief as the cramping fingers  won't cooperate.  I am amazed at these past months happenings..It was hard work but Ihave finished my floral design certificate and graduated with 95%! I am now a floral designer! I was offered a new job for a well established floral shop . They have me at their newly opened second shop in an area that is growing quickly. I am going to miss my manager and team at the house of flowers but this new job has great hrs ! The challenge will be great! My greatest fear has been that id stop learning...that won't happen there.  
My second aged son just got a job at the grocery store ...that's two now growing up !  keep che king in and when i figure out how to add pics from my phone i'll share some beauties!!¡!

Sunday 12 January 2014

New Year - Thankful Start


 Happy New Year Everyone! 

I am so happy to leave the old year behind and welcome a new year in ! 
This past year has been a year of change,dark days, heartache,sickness. and some overwhelming challenges...but today I am I choose to look at each step, struggle, and tear as a chance to learn more about myself and those closest to me, how I will learn from it all,and how I can grow in the midst of it. I am so thankful for an amazing family and for friends who have stood by us and encouraged us .I have a deep faith in the Lord and that sustains me too as I have always kept this truth closest to my heart.... He loves me more than I do- and all that He allows in my life is for my (eventual) good and for His glory.It may sound glib to some but thru dark days this truth  keeps me sane,pulls me thru,keeps me hopeful, and alot of the time -after the smoke clears- I can see the good that came out of it -for me- and for others.Today I just want to be I am thankful.

Some 2013 Thankful snippets:
I haven't written since Oct so there is LOTS to cover - I'll try to pare it down ....

I'm thankful to be attending Mohawk College taking the Floral Design certificate so I can be a floral designer. Meet my teacher...

 This is my Floral Design  teacher Vesna- she is fantastic ! I am so thankful for her hard work and willingness to go above and beyond investing in me ! Thanks Ves - hope I make you proud  ! xoxoxo

                   thankful for ability to apply what I'm learning from school at work in The House of Flowers !
                                                          I love my job!!!!!!!!!!!!!
garland making...

                                                                kangaroo paw anyone??

                                                      planter making in my old sap bucket....
                                  my exam piece....I had to set the scene of a Victorian Theme for my exam piece- the Victorian Rose Posy.....and what fun writing to 'lovers' letter in Victorian code thru the flowers....
   Interesting Historical tidbits.... In Victorian times they had their own dictionary of Flower meanings...they sent flowers to each other with hidden messages thru the meanings of the flower choices...
                                                                        peace planter......

Christmas Silk.....

My Class mates- thankful for these great bunch of girls, you all make class so fun !!!!


There have been other great creative ventures that have taken place this past year such as The Yellow Iris taking on some of my creations. My items for sale in her shop have been my Floral Brooches, Folk art wool felted pillows, quilted bathmat series, and this Christmas - my silk wreaths , garlands, and candle holders. Angela has been a great encouragement to me ! !  I have also had the pleasure of linking up with -DuGarage- my sisters' vintage shop in Montreal ! She has taken on some of my  floral brooches  too, and what great fun it was  to purchase vintage floral vases and containers from her shop to have on hand for future flower arrangements ! Thanks Sandy and Angela ! Special thanks to George and Andrea at Reebok CrossFit Firepower in Milton for your constant support and the display of floral arrangements at the gym ! You guys are super ! I started working at The House of Flowers this fall and it has been amazing so far ! My manager has been incredible- and so encouraging as well! I have had the blessing of working with some special woman there. It has meant alot to me to have the opportunity to apply what I'm learning from my college course on a daily basis and having the challenge of stretching myself and learning more on the job as opportunity arises. I have had to make three large  sympathy tributes and some bridal bouts alone this month - those times are stressful but the confidence my manager has in me has helped to bolster my confidence to just dive in .....and I'm learning so much hands on...which is my best learning style !
Creatively this has been an exciting year for me- a new start after so long of holding back... I look forward to what lies ahead and anticipate with great wonder of all that I might learn and experience in the coming year!
My hope for you is a year filled with joys= great and small,a thankful heart.May you be filled with wonder at what lay ahead ! 
                                                            blessings in 2014!
                                                                                             coming next : Rebecca's quilt....