Saturday 19 July 2014

Moving with the times...

   Well it's been awhile friends! I am posting this from...wait for it..... my "new to me" cellphone ! I can hear my dear old friends falling off thier chairs in incredulus laughter "she has entered the present century!" But i assure you i still would be "lost in space" if it wasn't for my son needing to upgrade! I 've only had it 6 days so i àm still struggling....took me 45 min the other day to try to enter a contact # only to give up and wait for my son to help me!
Our computer died some months ago so i am posting from my cell...without autp correct so this taking forever!
I will keep it brief as the cramping fingers  won't cooperate.  I am amazed at these past months happenings..It was hard work but Ihave finished my floral design certificate and graduated with 95%! I am now a floral designer! I was offered a new job for a well established floral shop . They have me at their newly opened second shop in an area that is growing quickly. I am going to miss my manager and team at the house of flowers but this new job has great hrs ! The challenge will be great! My greatest fear has been that id stop learning...that won't happen there.  
My second aged son just got a job at the grocery store ...that's two now growing up !  keep che king in and when i figure out how to add pics from my phone i'll share some beauties!!¡!