Monday 22 July 2013

July's theme -Snippets of JOY !

July's Theme - Snippets of JOY !
This month started out with alot of stress and challenges seeping over from the past year, but was packed full of snippets of JOY ! I've been thanking God for the moments of reminder of His constant love and faithfulness....there were so many chances to thank Him for answering prayer! It started with one beautiful word spoken to me by the specialist - BENIGN ! The cysts on my liver are large and still there but he is not concerned because they are benign! The challenge of direction was answered thus far and provision provided . Dear friends sending emails and phone calls of love and thoughts. Precious time with my husband and children. Meeting new  friends who have immigrated to Canada, who are allowing us into their lives- sharing their joys and struggles. My husband  and I spent time discussing,  as he was preparing for a sermon message from Philippians 1;3-11, about the secret to Paul's joy and we were both so encouraged and refreshed! What perfect timing for some eternal reality !
The snippets kept coming....
Tea + Great friendships = great fire starter ! ....I have  had a real spark lit under me as I asked for help with my french knot issue over shared tea at a friends house  - she is a great problem solver and I had confidence that if I asked her she would FIND me the answer to my problem ( I tried to spell 'dilemma ' but can't even get the spell check right - my husband got out the old dictionary!)) lol  SEW - out she pulled her trusty iPod and Googled  a tutorial  (dah- why didn't i think of that !) and within 4 min. we were making french knots ! sew -That set me off to creating again ! YEAHHHH... fire  ! I have been working on my felt thimble and it looks good ! I will post the old pics as soon as I get the script writing done along the bottom edge!
I spent a whole 2 days pouring out some ideas and drawing and snipping pattern pieces for some upcoming pillow tops after the bug bit dear neighbor had a birthday and she is so fantastic a friend and neighbor that I have wanted to make something special just for her - so I took the wool in hand and stitched up 2 appliqued pillows for her living room.

I purchased 2 linen -look pillow covers ( with zippers)

dug through my  very ,very small stash of wool fabrics to choose something for her colour scheme

cut out pieces...and decided placement...

 started to stitch down center(brown) onto second circle ( blue) ,then circles onto the flower with floss...

applique stitched around the flower ( antique red plaid) , and the leaves(moss green)...
then I started to add  FRENCH KNOTS to the center !  insert pillow form and voila !

the pillows looked more amazing up against her chocolate brown sofa ...SHE loved them !

I had so much fun - I went out and purchased more pillow tops !
* note - I love to make pretty much everything I can of the piece I'm working on but these pillow tops were constructed well and with zippers -and I was able to get them so inexpensively that I jumped at the deal ! That means more time to play !  What joy !

In the Works....
Well I have been saving tea bags to make something for the challenge....I haven't forgotten, it's just slow because hubbie thru out the first couple I had drying in the cupboard !

I have the palm leaf  bathmat almost completed but will hold pics till it's done....

I am inspired by the tutorial videos I watched last eve on how to make felted i need to find a hat mold !

I am working on making a guitar strap for my son's guitar...from a discarded pair of camel coloured  twill pants

I will be starting to quilt a Christmas quilt top donated to my friend's 'up-cycle store' (proceeds going to orphans and widows in Asia )I am hoping to start basting after I get back from driving my hubbie to the airport this week.(he needs the attention first )

Rescued two of hubbie's dress shirts before the went to garbage for future project to make a couple little girl "dress shirt dresses"...*note my friend came to church today with her daughter's "apron' to show me...she cut down an  old dress to make the cutest little bib apron for her daughter-only took her couple hours of fun !

Groan-er of the month !!! I don't wish to bring anyone down after sharing snippets of joy  but as friends we must jounney together through thick and thin.....Today I picked up two Merino wool blankets from a local thrift shop - one blue and the other cream....but did a FOOLISH thing- in my distraction and hurry I put BOTH in the washer together! now I have one dark and one light blue blanket to cut up for projects !!!!! wow did I ever kick myself over that error !the cream one was $14 ! Oh these are the mistakes that 'take' !  I will have to over -dye that puppie for sure !
I am hoping to purchase online the recipe booklet and dyes from _The Woolen Willow... I was at a class years ago learning to dye wool and the teacher recommended this book....all these years I've been wanting to order it..hope it's still available !The wool used in the pillows shown above were dyed at that very class using the Willow's recipe booklet! (great article in Quilt Sampler 2007 about the Woolen Willow shop)

Thanks for journeying with me through this month of July. I pray you have an amazing time finishing your projects in your journey through July and a fresh creativity to start August.
Praying for you blessings and joy !

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Where did June go???

Where did June go???? I can't believe it's July, I still am wondering what happened to June???
Well Happy Belated Canada Day ! 
Our eldest son has now graduated and is plotting what to attempt next...
It was a busy month. with preparations, school finishing,  and I am still going thru health issues and tests....meeting with specialist on the cancer hospital, and both my husband and I are seeking out full time employment! It's getting to be beyond crunch time!!!! As I posted last month -it's pressure cooker time!!!

I long to dig into something with my hands but my mind and heart are having such difficulties getting there....but I have been trying to work on my Felted Thimble. I have embroidered the script but tore it out for the 2nd time ! I just am not satisfied with's not smooth and looks more like a child stitched it ! I am hopeful that I will be able to acquire this in time but it may mean that my thimble sit aside till I practice on other pieces...the felt may not withstand more tearing out !

I have sewn a pretty ,wide, white rickrack trim onto the lavender linen child's dress and fashioned some small fabric rosettes to attach in a grouping of 3 off centered. I will attempt to add some more embellishment around neckline and need to attach a lovely white button to the back for a closure. will post picture soon...

I haven't started my "tea challenge" piece yet but working on a design and thinking what products to use for the effect I want to achieve....keep you posted...

I am wanting to make some childrens tops, dresses, and skirts, and I found a picture of bloomers for children that I will try to figure out how to make myself....oh so cute !!! But I need to find some great linen..that's what I would love to work with for these pieces!

I would like to eventually be selling these pieces so I will need to work up some patterns :)

My bathmat series is stalled....needing some special fabric that I can't purchase right now :( I dislike waiting!

enjoyed checking out  and  blogs today !!!

God bless you!