Wednesday 3 July 2013

Where did June go???

Where did June go???? I can't believe it's July, I still am wondering what happened to June???
Well Happy Belated Canada Day ! 
Our eldest son has now graduated and is plotting what to attempt next...
It was a busy month. with preparations, school finishing,  and I am still going thru health issues and tests....meeting with specialist on the cancer hospital, and both my husband and I are seeking out full time employment! It's getting to be beyond crunch time!!!! As I posted last month -it's pressure cooker time!!!

I long to dig into something with my hands but my mind and heart are having such difficulties getting there....but I have been trying to work on my Felted Thimble. I have embroidered the script but tore it out for the 2nd time ! I just am not satisfied with's not smooth and looks more like a child stitched it ! I am hopeful that I will be able to acquire this in time but it may mean that my thimble sit aside till I practice on other pieces...the felt may not withstand more tearing out !

I have sewn a pretty ,wide, white rickrack trim onto the lavender linen child's dress and fashioned some small fabric rosettes to attach in a grouping of 3 off centered. I will attempt to add some more embellishment around neckline and need to attach a lovely white button to the back for a closure. will post picture soon...

I haven't started my "tea challenge" piece yet but working on a design and thinking what products to use for the effect I want to achieve....keep you posted...

I am wanting to make some childrens tops, dresses, and skirts, and I found a picture of bloomers for children that I will try to figure out how to make myself....oh so cute !!! But I need to find some great linen..that's what I would love to work with for these pieces!

I would like to eventually be selling these pieces so I will need to work up some patterns :)

My bathmat series is stalled....needing some special fabric that I can't purchase right now :( I dislike waiting!

enjoyed checking out  and  blogs today !!!

God bless you!

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