Thursday 30 May 2013

Working up inspiration..

Working up inspiration....
Life has been "FULL" lately...full of not -so- fun stuff...sick kids,tests, MRI,more Dr.appointments,bills,lack of work...yes  FAR from inspiring, more like a pressure cooker,and having the opposite effect on my mind even being able to go to my "creative space". It's has been satisfying enough to have just simple stitching to do on my "felted thimble", and frankly about all I can tax my brain with! I think I'll give myself some grace and just keep it simple for now as I await news from the MRI and the test results.June has enough worries of it's own ,so let's just keep it simple....

Update: My Felted Thimble: As mentioned I have been working at my thimble piece. I stitched down the bleeding hearts and the trim. I worked on the script but didn't like the end product so I removed it all and am having a go at it again.I hope my embroidery gets better with practice...I am just not pleased with it, I like it to look smoother.  After finishing the script I am hoping to learn french knots well for the 'dimples' in the thimble top but I'm not sure that it will give me the look I'm after...guess I can always pull it out !

Self Portrait challenge: Well have you had a chance to check out Cate Coulacous Prato  Mixed Media Self -Portraits book? I have been interested in trying one of the exercises from the book. So I have been mulling around what I'd like to use as my theme or topic....since everyone who knows me finds out quickly that I LOVE TEA ! I think TEA should be my theme....ya I know it's not a self portrait but I'm working up to that !!! 

I'd like to share more but my sick little boy wants to have a game of checkers before bed....(then he'll request a book reading,,,glass of water... 

I just want to say I'm so thankful for this day God has given, and  I don't take for  granted the privileges that I have in this country....I was treated very kindly and compassionately today at the Diagnostic services dept. at the Hamilton General Hospital.The staff was great with me. I laid there thanking God that this was even possible - to have this huge ,expensive machine imaging my internal organs so the doctors could have a better look at what's going on  in my liver....this is not possible in other countries, let alone for my husband and I to walk in and out without a huge bill to pay. Thank you Lord for Your personal touch in ever aspect of my life ...You are always there for me !

Till we visit again - God bless you 

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