Saturday 18 May 2013


We have so much around us to inspire ! What beautiful days we've been having, plenty of gorgeous greens and new buds, birds and bees galore...I've even encountered a FLY ! is alive all around us!It stirs and awakens ,breaking off the tired old winter crust that enshrouds.
There are some great artist out there to aid in a 'kick start' for those of us needing a focus or a little direction...I have been reading a wonderful book that is quite inspiring by Cate Coulacous Prato called Mixed Media Self -Portraits.  At a time in my life when I really need some introspection, take time before God and really look at who I am in the roles I play in this day to day life and who I am in Him. I love that God the Great Creator who has made me, has given the privilege to me to create something to enjoy. It causes me to marvel, and thank Him...
At the time of the writing of the book Cate was the feature editor for Quilting Arts Mag. and Cloth Paper Scissors. There are some fantastic artists featured in the book and some creative technique exercises to explore self -portrait. Just those two words together gives me the shivers! I still wonder why I even  picked it up at the library? But I am so glad I has encouraged me to even ponder the idea of taking the time to sit exploring the  use of a variety of mixed media to express my self .
This isn't an easy challenge that Cate puts forth in her book,I hope I'm up to it...I realized that I haven't spent alot of time these past years wanting to look many things in there I don't feel  I can deal with most days....why does hurt hurt?why all the struggle? I got to give it up ! Maybe this will help me work thru some stuff...I don't know about you but I really enjoy the quite time in my head to sort things out as my hands and heart are busy playing.
I want to become a better artist ...
I love the idea of art journaling  and there are some wonderful prompts in the now I have to choose one, and figure out where to start. Let you know what I figure out!
Planning and decisions....hummmm
Hope you get a chance to check out the book !

My Black and White Thoughts quilt is sort of finished...I mean it's bound and labelled but I'm thinking I want to add some white shirting buttons to each block corner....need to decide so it can be really 'put to bed' so to speak..yup pun intended!

Well the homemade bread is done ...time to take it out of the oven and get to bed !!!
Have a creative week !
Blessings, Jody

Jesus came to give life- and LIFE to the fullest ! let's live it fully for HIS sake....

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