Saturday 5 October 2013

Fall - ing ...

                 FALL-ING...I love everything about FALL !The cool, crisp days, the changing leaves here in Canada, the geese flying overhead signaling it's time to prepare for winter...I  especially LOVE  Thanksgiving and the opportunity to walk in the woods, searching for just the right leaves,cones,gourds,dried plants,ohhh ya bull rushes if your in the areas to find those, and well picking up anything that can be used to decorate with !...not to mention it was the time of year I was born !!!
I so enjoyed making this wreath yesterday...
I thought I'd better make another one for someone special...
I have an amazingly sweet neighbor who helps our family out sooo much, she drives our sons to school if they miss the bus, cuts our family's hair( she is a hair- stylist by trade), and even walks our little guy to school on my days for my design course so I can catch a ride to the college early and not have to take the hour bus ride...and she is such an encourager ! I wanted to prepare a Fall wreath for her door too...
I tried to pick some other materials so we didn't look like 'twin' doors ! lol...
 (sorry it doesn't show up as nice on the wooden background!)

I picked up a black wooden letter "N" for their family name and added it to the wreath just beside the ribboned flower arrangement of sunflower,brown spider mum ,red-orange chrysanthemum,and green berries...
took some pics and then went to deliver.....
She really loved it and had me hang it on her door right away ! I love that she loved the gesture of friendship and thanks for all she does for us :) 

I hope during this season of Thanksgiving you take the opportunity to express your love and thanks to those around you who do sooo much for you know it means a lot to a person to KNOW they are loved and cared about ...
May God bless you with a heart FULL of thanksgiving offerings this season ! 

Happy FALL -ING everyone !

Pretty in Pink

Pretty in Pink....

Week 3 in our Floral Design class we created two lovely monochromatic designs I'd like to share with you . The first we created was the Cresent Design in pink !
 Our teacher is teaching us how to green in and create our line...

 Here is teacher Ves's finished Cresent....
                                                                            \ . /
Here is mine .....

 My same arrangement ..pic taken at home in different lighting...and "tweaked" as I needed to 'firm up' my line on the right-hand curve...

Lovely in pink,,,,snapdragons,roses,gerbera,pitt,leather and myrtle...

Next design segment was on the Hogarth's Curve.....Ves has us prepare our mechanics....

 Teacher Ves' Hogarth curve almost finished.....
                                                                              \ . /

My Hogarth's Curve completed in class...

 I love the flower choices of Dendrobium Orchids, Bells of Ireland, Lillies, pitt ,leather,and myrtle...lovely combination together!
 I sure hope you are enjoying these beautiful designs Vesna is sharing with us as much as I am ! I am passionate about design and hope to be creating as a  Floral Designer as a future career when this class is completed. I love how much technique we are learning ,and the elements of design that are incorporated in every creation! There is soooo much to learn still ! I think one might always be learning in this craft as so much changes and trends and styles change so need to be able to adapt change!

Cheers to change !