Saturday 5 October 2013

Pretty in Pink

Pretty in Pink....

Week 3 in our Floral Design class we created two lovely monochromatic designs I'd like to share with you . The first we created was the Cresent Design in pink !
 Our teacher is teaching us how to green in and create our line...

 Here is teacher Ves's finished Cresent....
                                                                            \ . /
Here is mine .....

 My same arrangement ..pic taken at home in different lighting...and "tweaked" as I needed to 'firm up' my line on the right-hand curve...

Lovely in pink,,,,snapdragons,roses,gerbera,pitt,leather and myrtle...

Next design segment was on the Hogarth's Curve.....Ves has us prepare our mechanics....

 Teacher Ves' Hogarth curve almost finished.....
                                                                              \ . /

My Hogarth's Curve completed in class...

 I love the flower choices of Dendrobium Orchids, Bells of Ireland, Lillies, pitt ,leather,and myrtle...lovely combination together!
 I sure hope you are enjoying these beautiful designs Vesna is sharing with us as much as I am ! I am passionate about design and hope to be creating as a  Floral Designer as a future career when this class is completed. I love how much technique we are learning ,and the elements of design that are incorporated in every creation! There is soooo much to learn still ! I think one might always be learning in this craft as so much changes and trends and styles change so need to be able to adapt change!

Cheers to change !

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