Saturday 28 September 2013

Creating a beautiful A-line...

 Creating a beautiful A -Line...

   Who knew creating an A-Symmetrical arrangement could be so enjoyable !
 Yesterday was our 2nd  Floral Design class working on round mass arrangement in triatic ,and a-symmetrical arrangement in direct complementary. I loved working with the  A-symmetrical design ! I was not impressed with other A-symms that I'd seen previous to the class, so I wasn't to thrilled at doing one of these, but as always our incredible teacher Vesna, surprised us with a lovely design, and the flower choices and colours were so me! I fell in love with the Bells of Ireland and the orange Voodoo Roses were spectacular, the Spider mums were so pretty, and the Pitt was a great foliage addition! I have come home with a load of flowers to  practice,so I best get busy ! I can't wait till our next class...each week is such inspiration !
               Hope you enjoy !

                                        here is our incredible teacher Ves prepping the greens and
                                                           creating the A-Symm Line

                                         here is my A-Sym finished and photographed in class
     same arrangement -pic taken at home in different lighting  

                                                    my round- mass - pic taken at home

                                                  I have lots of flowers in my home today !!!!
                                 Check in next time...till then have a beautiful week friends !
                                                And YAH..please take time to smell the flowers....

take care.........


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