Saturday 28 September 2013

Creating a beautiful A-line...

 Creating a beautiful A -Line...

   Who knew creating an A-Symmetrical arrangement could be so enjoyable !
 Yesterday was our 2nd  Floral Design class working on round mass arrangement in triatic ,and a-symmetrical arrangement in direct complementary. I loved working with the  A-symmetrical design ! I was not impressed with other A-symms that I'd seen previous to the class, so I wasn't to thrilled at doing one of these, but as always our incredible teacher Vesna, surprised us with a lovely design, and the flower choices and colours were so me! I fell in love with the Bells of Ireland and the orange Voodoo Roses were spectacular, the Spider mums were so pretty, and the Pitt was a great foliage addition! I have come home with a load of flowers to  practice,so I best get busy ! I can't wait till our next class...each week is such inspiration !
               Hope you enjoy !

                                        here is our incredible teacher Ves prepping the greens and
                                                           creating the A-Symm Line

                                         here is my A-Sym finished and photographed in class
     same arrangement -pic taken at home in different lighting  

                                                    my round- mass - pic taken at home

                                                  I have lots of flowers in my home today !!!!
                                 Check in next time...till then have a beautiful week friends !
                                                And YAH..please take time to smell the flowers....

take care.........


Thursday 26 September 2013

Like I promised...


Like I promised....

   I am adding this quick post to keep my promise to show you a quick peek at my fabric flower brooches I     am making with Vintage buttons and beading, some netting or tuiling added for drama .... keep in mind some of these are NOT completed...they are a work in progress.....hope you like them :)

I am also creating some more for a bridal bouquet .....  wait till you see how the deep purple one turns out!

Want to see what I'm up to today?...homework for my Floral Design stuff that is !
Well back at it soon dear ones.....till then
all my love !

Sunday 22 September 2013

Quick post

 Quick Post

These past couple months have been busy  preparing for school !! Yes school for everyone... including me!!! I never thought it possible for me to be attending college courses at my age, but after a difficult year and lack of 'skill set' to find work - interesting work- in something I love to do, I had to really contemplate my next move.... After much discussion with my husband , we decided I need to follow something that feeds into my creativity...'cause that's the way God made me :)   I love my quilting and sewing but realize that I will not find steady work within that area at the moment. I had always wanted to get my floral certificate so I pursued that avenue...I signed up at Mohawk college for the Floral Design Certificate courses. I had an amazing first class and this was my first attempt at a Complementary Symmetry arrangement!

There are 9 other students in the class that are such great fun ! We all enjoyed the first day ! I have alot of homework to do preparing a portfolio for last class, cost sheets, and assignments. Looking forward to learning a ton with the amazing teacher we have! Vesna has owned her own floral shop for over 17 yrs. and is still busy arranging ! I will keep you posted on my progress!

I have been busy this summer creating fabric floral brooches and pins, and creating masses of flowers for a bridal bouquet!- no not mine- LOL !!! I am hoping as I learn how to put arrangements together that I will learn ways to improve on creating more anatomically correct flowers and assembling them into bouquets properly. I get nuts about the little things....
I need to take pics to upload to show you before I bring them to a local gift shop to sell.
I am really intrigued by creating fabric floral pieces and am hoping to get enough funds to purchase wool to make 3D wet wool flowers....they are soooo incredibly beautiful  ! I will share some websites on this later.....

I must run...we are off to the fair !