Saturday 5 October 2013

Fall - ing ...

                 FALL-ING...I love everything about FALL !The cool, crisp days, the changing leaves here in Canada, the geese flying overhead signaling it's time to prepare for winter...I  especially LOVE  Thanksgiving and the opportunity to walk in the woods, searching for just the right leaves,cones,gourds,dried plants,ohhh ya bull rushes if your in the areas to find those, and well picking up anything that can be used to decorate with !...not to mention it was the time of year I was born !!!
I so enjoyed making this wreath yesterday...
I thought I'd better make another one for someone special...
I have an amazingly sweet neighbor who helps our family out sooo much, she drives our sons to school if they miss the bus, cuts our family's hair( she is a hair- stylist by trade), and even walks our little guy to school on my days for my design course so I can catch a ride to the college early and not have to take the hour bus ride...and she is such an encourager ! I wanted to prepare a Fall wreath for her door too...
I tried to pick some other materials so we didn't look like 'twin' doors ! lol...
 (sorry it doesn't show up as nice on the wooden background!)

I picked up a black wooden letter "N" for their family name and added it to the wreath just beside the ribboned flower arrangement of sunflower,brown spider mum ,red-orange chrysanthemum,and green berries...
took some pics and then went to deliver.....
She really loved it and had me hang it on her door right away ! I love that she loved the gesture of friendship and thanks for all she does for us :) 

I hope during this season of Thanksgiving you take the opportunity to express your love and thanks to those around you who do sooo much for you know it means a lot to a person to KNOW they are loved and cared about ...
May God bless you with a heart FULL of thanksgiving offerings this season ! 

Happy FALL -ING everyone !

Pretty in Pink

Pretty in Pink....

Week 3 in our Floral Design class we created two lovely monochromatic designs I'd like to share with you . The first we created was the Cresent Design in pink !
 Our teacher is teaching us how to green in and create our line...

 Here is teacher Ves's finished Cresent....
                                                                            \ . /
Here is mine .....

 My same arrangement ..pic taken at home in different lighting...and "tweaked" as I needed to 'firm up' my line on the right-hand curve...

Lovely in pink,,,,snapdragons,roses,gerbera,pitt,leather and myrtle...

Next design segment was on the Hogarth's Curve.....Ves has us prepare our mechanics....

 Teacher Ves' Hogarth curve almost finished.....
                                                                              \ . /

My Hogarth's Curve completed in class...

 I love the flower choices of Dendrobium Orchids, Bells of Ireland, Lillies, pitt ,leather,and myrtle...lovely combination together!
 I sure hope you are enjoying these beautiful designs Vesna is sharing with us as much as I am ! I am passionate about design and hope to be creating as a  Floral Designer as a future career when this class is completed. I love how much technique we are learning ,and the elements of design that are incorporated in every creation! There is soooo much to learn still ! I think one might always be learning in this craft as so much changes and trends and styles change so need to be able to adapt change!

Cheers to change !

Saturday 28 September 2013

Creating a beautiful A-line...

 Creating a beautiful A -Line...

   Who knew creating an A-Symmetrical arrangement could be so enjoyable !
 Yesterday was our 2nd  Floral Design class working on round mass arrangement in triatic ,and a-symmetrical arrangement in direct complementary. I loved working with the  A-symmetrical design ! I was not impressed with other A-symms that I'd seen previous to the class, so I wasn't to thrilled at doing one of these, but as always our incredible teacher Vesna, surprised us with a lovely design, and the flower choices and colours were so me! I fell in love with the Bells of Ireland and the orange Voodoo Roses were spectacular, the Spider mums were so pretty, and the Pitt was a great foliage addition! I have come home with a load of flowers to  practice,so I best get busy ! I can't wait till our next class...each week is such inspiration !
               Hope you enjoy !

                                        here is our incredible teacher Ves prepping the greens and
                                                           creating the A-Symm Line

                                         here is my A-Sym finished and photographed in class
     same arrangement -pic taken at home in different lighting  

                                                    my round- mass - pic taken at home

                                                  I have lots of flowers in my home today !!!!
                                 Check in next time...till then have a beautiful week friends !
                                                And YAH..please take time to smell the flowers....

take care.........


Thursday 26 September 2013

Like I promised...


Like I promised....

   I am adding this quick post to keep my promise to show you a quick peek at my fabric flower brooches I     am making with Vintage buttons and beading, some netting or tuiling added for drama .... keep in mind some of these are NOT completed...they are a work in progress.....hope you like them :)

I am also creating some more for a bridal bouquet .....  wait till you see how the deep purple one turns out!

Want to see what I'm up to today?...homework for my Floral Design stuff that is !
Well back at it soon dear ones.....till then
all my love !

Sunday 22 September 2013

Quick post

 Quick Post

These past couple months have been busy  preparing for school !! Yes school for everyone... including me!!! I never thought it possible for me to be attending college courses at my age, but after a difficult year and lack of 'skill set' to find work - interesting work- in something I love to do, I had to really contemplate my next move.... After much discussion with my husband , we decided I need to follow something that feeds into my creativity...'cause that's the way God made me :)   I love my quilting and sewing but realize that I will not find steady work within that area at the moment. I had always wanted to get my floral certificate so I pursued that avenue...I signed up at Mohawk college for the Floral Design Certificate courses. I had an amazing first class and this was my first attempt at a Complementary Symmetry arrangement!

There are 9 other students in the class that are such great fun ! We all enjoyed the first day ! I have alot of homework to do preparing a portfolio for last class, cost sheets, and assignments. Looking forward to learning a ton with the amazing teacher we have! Vesna has owned her own floral shop for over 17 yrs. and is still busy arranging ! I will keep you posted on my progress!

I have been busy this summer creating fabric floral brooches and pins, and creating masses of flowers for a bridal bouquet!- no not mine- LOL !!! I am hoping as I learn how to put arrangements together that I will learn ways to improve on creating more anatomically correct flowers and assembling them into bouquets properly. I get nuts about the little things....
I need to take pics to upload to show you before I bring them to a local gift shop to sell.
I am really intrigued by creating fabric floral pieces and am hoping to get enough funds to purchase wool to make 3D wet wool flowers....they are soooo incredibly beautiful  ! I will share some websites on this later.....

I must run...we are off to the fair !

Monday 22 July 2013

July's theme -Snippets of JOY !

July's Theme - Snippets of JOY !
This month started out with alot of stress and challenges seeping over from the past year, but was packed full of snippets of JOY ! I've been thanking God for the moments of reminder of His constant love and faithfulness....there were so many chances to thank Him for answering prayer! It started with one beautiful word spoken to me by the specialist - BENIGN ! The cysts on my liver are large and still there but he is not concerned because they are benign! The challenge of direction was answered thus far and provision provided . Dear friends sending emails and phone calls of love and thoughts. Precious time with my husband and children. Meeting new  friends who have immigrated to Canada, who are allowing us into their lives- sharing their joys and struggles. My husband  and I spent time discussing,  as he was preparing for a sermon message from Philippians 1;3-11, about the secret to Paul's joy and we were both so encouraged and refreshed! What perfect timing for some eternal reality !
The snippets kept coming....
Tea + Great friendships = great fire starter ! ....I have  had a real spark lit under me as I asked for help with my french knot issue over shared tea at a friends house  - she is a great problem solver and I had confidence that if I asked her she would FIND me the answer to my problem ( I tried to spell 'dilemma ' but can't even get the spell check right - my husband got out the old dictionary!)) lol  SEW - out she pulled her trusty iPod and Googled  a tutorial  (dah- why didn't i think of that !) and within 4 min. we were making french knots ! sew -That set me off to creating again ! YEAHHHH... fire  ! I have been working on my felt thimble and it looks good ! I will post the old pics as soon as I get the script writing done along the bottom edge!
I spent a whole 2 days pouring out some ideas and drawing and snipping pattern pieces for some upcoming pillow tops after the bug bit dear neighbor had a birthday and she is so fantastic a friend and neighbor that I have wanted to make something special just for her - so I took the wool in hand and stitched up 2 appliqued pillows for her living room.

I purchased 2 linen -look pillow covers ( with zippers)

dug through my  very ,very small stash of wool fabrics to choose something for her colour scheme

cut out pieces...and decided placement...

 started to stitch down center(brown) onto second circle ( blue) ,then circles onto the flower with floss...

applique stitched around the flower ( antique red plaid) , and the leaves(moss green)...
then I started to add  FRENCH KNOTS to the center !  insert pillow form and voila !

the pillows looked more amazing up against her chocolate brown sofa ...SHE loved them !

I had so much fun - I went out and purchased more pillow tops !
* note - I love to make pretty much everything I can of the piece I'm working on but these pillow tops were constructed well and with zippers -and I was able to get them so inexpensively that I jumped at the deal ! That means more time to play !  What joy !

In the Works....
Well I have been saving tea bags to make something for the challenge....I haven't forgotten, it's just slow because hubbie thru out the first couple I had drying in the cupboard !

I have the palm leaf  bathmat almost completed but will hold pics till it's done....

I am inspired by the tutorial videos I watched last eve on how to make felted i need to find a hat mold !

I am working on making a guitar strap for my son's guitar...from a discarded pair of camel coloured  twill pants

I will be starting to quilt a Christmas quilt top donated to my friend's 'up-cycle store' (proceeds going to orphans and widows in Asia )I am hoping to start basting after I get back from driving my hubbie to the airport this week.(he needs the attention first )

Rescued two of hubbie's dress shirts before the went to garbage for future project to make a couple little girl "dress shirt dresses"...*note my friend came to church today with her daughter's "apron' to show me...she cut down an  old dress to make the cutest little bib apron for her daughter-only took her couple hours of fun !

Groan-er of the month !!! I don't wish to bring anyone down after sharing snippets of joy  but as friends we must jounney together through thick and thin.....Today I picked up two Merino wool blankets from a local thrift shop - one blue and the other cream....but did a FOOLISH thing- in my distraction and hurry I put BOTH in the washer together! now I have one dark and one light blue blanket to cut up for projects !!!!! wow did I ever kick myself over that error !the cream one was $14 ! Oh these are the mistakes that 'take' !  I will have to over -dye that puppie for sure !
I am hoping to purchase online the recipe booklet and dyes from _The Woolen Willow... I was at a class years ago learning to dye wool and the teacher recommended this book....all these years I've been wanting to order it..hope it's still available !The wool used in the pillows shown above were dyed at that very class using the Willow's recipe booklet! (great article in Quilt Sampler 2007 about the Woolen Willow shop)

Thanks for journeying with me through this month of July. I pray you have an amazing time finishing your projects in your journey through July and a fresh creativity to start August.
Praying for you blessings and joy !

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Where did June go???

Where did June go???? I can't believe it's July, I still am wondering what happened to June???
Well Happy Belated Canada Day ! 
Our eldest son has now graduated and is plotting what to attempt next...
It was a busy month. with preparations, school finishing,  and I am still going thru health issues and tests....meeting with specialist on the cancer hospital, and both my husband and I are seeking out full time employment! It's getting to be beyond crunch time!!!! As I posted last month -it's pressure cooker time!!!

I long to dig into something with my hands but my mind and heart are having such difficulties getting there....but I have been trying to work on my Felted Thimble. I have embroidered the script but tore it out for the 2nd time ! I just am not satisfied with's not smooth and looks more like a child stitched it ! I am hopeful that I will be able to acquire this in time but it may mean that my thimble sit aside till I practice on other pieces...the felt may not withstand more tearing out !

I have sewn a pretty ,wide, white rickrack trim onto the lavender linen child's dress and fashioned some small fabric rosettes to attach in a grouping of 3 off centered. I will attempt to add some more embellishment around neckline and need to attach a lovely white button to the back for a closure. will post picture soon...

I haven't started my "tea challenge" piece yet but working on a design and thinking what products to use for the effect I want to achieve....keep you posted...

I am wanting to make some childrens tops, dresses, and skirts, and I found a picture of bloomers for children that I will try to figure out how to make myself....oh so cute !!! But I need to find some great linen..that's what I would love to work with for these pieces!

I would like to eventually be selling these pieces so I will need to work up some patterns :)

My bathmat series is stalled....needing some special fabric that I can't purchase right now :( I dislike waiting!

enjoyed checking out  and  blogs today !!!

God bless you!

Thursday 30 May 2013

Working up inspiration..

Working up inspiration....
Life has been "FULL" lately...full of not -so- fun stuff...sick kids,tests, MRI,more Dr.appointments,bills,lack of work...yes  FAR from inspiring, more like a pressure cooker,and having the opposite effect on my mind even being able to go to my "creative space". It's has been satisfying enough to have just simple stitching to do on my "felted thimble", and frankly about all I can tax my brain with! I think I'll give myself some grace and just keep it simple for now as I await news from the MRI and the test results.June has enough worries of it's own ,so let's just keep it simple....

Update: My Felted Thimble: As mentioned I have been working at my thimble piece. I stitched down the bleeding hearts and the trim. I worked on the script but didn't like the end product so I removed it all and am having a go at it again.I hope my embroidery gets better with practice...I am just not pleased with it, I like it to look smoother.  After finishing the script I am hoping to learn french knots well for the 'dimples' in the thimble top but I'm not sure that it will give me the look I'm after...guess I can always pull it out !

Self Portrait challenge: Well have you had a chance to check out Cate Coulacous Prato  Mixed Media Self -Portraits book? I have been interested in trying one of the exercises from the book. So I have been mulling around what I'd like to use as my theme or topic....since everyone who knows me finds out quickly that I LOVE TEA ! I think TEA should be my theme....ya I know it's not a self portrait but I'm working up to that !!! 

I'd like to share more but my sick little boy wants to have a game of checkers before bed....(then he'll request a book reading,,,glass of water... 

I just want to say I'm so thankful for this day God has given, and  I don't take for  granted the privileges that I have in this country....I was treated very kindly and compassionately today at the Diagnostic services dept. at the Hamilton General Hospital.The staff was great with me. I laid there thanking God that this was even possible - to have this huge ,expensive machine imaging my internal organs so the doctors could have a better look at what's going on  in my liver....this is not possible in other countries, let alone for my husband and I to walk in and out without a huge bill to pay. Thank you Lord for Your personal touch in ever aspect of my life ...You are always there for me !

Till we visit again - God bless you 

Saturday 18 May 2013


We have so much around us to inspire ! What beautiful days we've been having, plenty of gorgeous greens and new buds, birds and bees galore...I've even encountered a FLY ! is alive all around us!It stirs and awakens ,breaking off the tired old winter crust that enshrouds.
There are some great artist out there to aid in a 'kick start' for those of us needing a focus or a little direction...I have been reading a wonderful book that is quite inspiring by Cate Coulacous Prato called Mixed Media Self -Portraits.  At a time in my life when I really need some introspection, take time before God and really look at who I am in the roles I play in this day to day life and who I am in Him. I love that God the Great Creator who has made me, has given the privilege to me to create something to enjoy. It causes me to marvel, and thank Him...
At the time of the writing of the book Cate was the feature editor for Quilting Arts Mag. and Cloth Paper Scissors. There are some fantastic artists featured in the book and some creative technique exercises to explore self -portrait. Just those two words together gives me the shivers! I still wonder why I even  picked it up at the library? But I am so glad I has encouraged me to even ponder the idea of taking the time to sit exploring the  use of a variety of mixed media to express my self .
This isn't an easy challenge that Cate puts forth in her book,I hope I'm up to it...I realized that I haven't spent alot of time these past years wanting to look many things in there I don't feel  I can deal with most days....why does hurt hurt?why all the struggle? I got to give it up ! Maybe this will help me work thru some stuff...I don't know about you but I really enjoy the quite time in my head to sort things out as my hands and heart are busy playing.
I want to become a better artist ...
I love the idea of art journaling  and there are some wonderful prompts in the now I have to choose one, and figure out where to start. Let you know what I figure out!
Planning and decisions....hummmm
Hope you get a chance to check out the book !

My Black and White Thoughts quilt is sort of finished...I mean it's bound and labelled but I'm thinking I want to add some white shirting buttons to each block corner....need to decide so it can be really 'put to bed' so to speak..yup pun intended!

Well the homemade bread is done ...time to take it out of the oven and get to bed !!!
Have a creative week !
Blessings, Jody

Jesus came to give life- and LIFE to the fullest ! let's live it fully for HIS sake....

Friday 10 May 2013

My Felted thimble design...

 My Felted Thimble Design...
I needed a picture of a thimble to post for my blog my son suggested 'mom,just make one' ...hummm sounds simple enough... yet I've never 'made' a thimble out of felt before..This was a challenge I needed...something to try my hand at...get those creative juices flowing!
Well in my journal of discovery I must post - I've discovered that I am really challenged when I need to make decisions !!!! What size do I make it? what colour,what design elements do I add? what,what what???? I froze....I'm to tired...try again tomorrow.
Well the next day I put pencil to paper and just took step one...
-draw out the thimble shape....good...I check my stash...I have a nice dark grey!Okay grey it is!
-next add some 'dipples' for the indents on the top and sides of the thimble...maybe add french knots and beads ...hummm  they will be raised...I'll decide if it needs to look more indented when I add them...good,your doing it !
-add the lines circling the thimble....then chose an element I'd like...okay I love bleeding heart flowers...the flower arches so beautifully on the green foliage, the shape of the flower petals have always amazed me- how did God think of such beauty in shape and colour?  The interesting  way the soft pure white 'stamin'(?) come out of the center of the heart looking like a teardrop... it always causes me to think how God must have felt watching His Son Jesus suffer and shed His blood for the sin of mankind ... I think it's a good visual reminder for me.I will make the flowers a deep red. 
-I like the idea of the band of midnight blue around the top third...and the band of grey on the bottom for the curled lip
-along the bottom I put the script of my blog name- My Felted Thimble 
I need to figure out what stitches I will use to attach each piece to the background....
I would like to add beading,and use the beautiful metallic threads I have in red, grey and gold...I'll have to see as I go how that will work to incorporate them....If  I do the script in the metallics will they show enough? or will I have to resort to floss? maybe floss, then overlay the metallics? 
Okay this was alot of fun ! 
Hope the pictures of the thimble in progress load !

Well I cut out the pieces and here it a quick peek...

This was really wonderful to spend this time journaling the process.
 I'll need to practice with the camera for the shots ,I'd like to be able to get in closer!
 I'm just learning as I go !